Make Waffle Cones Profitable Again!
Everyone loves "fresh" Waffle Cones and the aroma it adds to your shop is mesmerizing--it makes an automatic sale! But who can afford the time it takes to make cones? Its too slow, employees hate making them and the potential liability for Repetitive Injuries claims is high! Buying premade cones is expensive, boring and customers always prefer fresh!
There is "A Better Way"! The Cone-Genie!® Our Automated Waffle Cone shaper automatically turns on when we see your hand, pulling your cone in to our shaper and folding it for you in seconds! Now one person can easily make 3-4 cones per minute with no hassle or "pain in the wrist"! Forget buying tasteless pre-made cones! Now you can make fresh cones for only pennies each---think of the increased monthly profit!
The The Cone-Genie!® is made of the highest quality components with automation features to provide years of faster & superior waffle cone shaping.
PATENT# 10897913
Available in 2 Cone Shaper Sizes--Large (as shown) and Small Diameter Size.
Optional extra Cone-Shaper available--so you can make both sizes!
​*Make Fresh Cones Faster!
*Greatly Enhance Profits!
*Eliminate the task employees hate-shaping cones!
*Greater uniformity in your cones!
*Reduce cone labor costs!
*Reduce or eliminate repetitive injury claims!
*Reduce Workman's Comp claims!
*Reduce overall cone production time.

About Us
ABW-Innovations fills the need of designing, producing & testing specialized equipment for the Ice Cream & Frozen Dessert field. Our products are designed when specific needs or problems are observed in a given industry--when we know automation or design can provide an enhanced production application or customer/end user satisfaction.
Many other products are pending---such as our Glacier Ice(R) station. This provides over 36 self-serve ports for Shave Ice in a self contained refrigerated base--with automatic hot water cleaning! Watch for more details!

(256) 648-5172​
Coming Soon--Glacier Ice Station®